About howard

Wine, Physics and Song is my blog. Roughly speaking, I'm a quantum physicist, working mostly in the foundations of quantum theory, and in quantum computation and quantum information processing. My main focus recently has been understanding the nature of quantum theory by understanding how the possibilities it gives us for processing information compare to what might have been, by studying information processing in abstract mathematical frameworks, using tools like ordered linear spaces and category theory, in which not only quantum and classical theories, but all sorts of "foil" theories that don't seem to be realized in our physical world, but are illuminating to contrast with quantum theory, can be formulated. Sometimes I like to call this pursuit "mathematical science fiction".

Go for the Sazerac or the "barbecue shrimp" (Mr. B's Bistro, New Orleans)

I was put off by my first Sazerac a few years back.  I tried one from someplace listed in a guidebook as a "must"---selling them out of a window on Bourbon Street, if I recall---plastic cup, lots of ice, not much whisky---confirmation of rule no. 1 for a visit to New Orleans ("stay away from Bourbon Street").

But I finally decided to risk it again, and it turned out OK.  Actually better than OK.  Mr. B's Bistro is not my top restaurant in New Orleans, but I end up there fairly frequently if the crowds on d'Iberville make oysters at one of the places there impossible, especially if I'm with a bunch of colleagues who just want to eat and aren't going to be into a long meal at someplace like Bayona or Stella!.  And sure enough, my meal there this time was highlighted by the excellent company---pragmatist quantum mechanic Chris Fuchs, category-theoretic quantum sculptor Bob Coecke, and epistemic game theorist Adam Brandenburger---rather than the food.  (My shrimp and grits were decent, but the grits too garlicky and over-flavored and the bacon-wrapped shrimp nowhere near as flavorful---except for the bacon---as the ones at Herbsaint, while an appetizer of fried oysters on the half-shell with beurre blanc  would have been better as just a straight pile of fried oysters.  Bob liked his barbecue shrimp, though (which I've also thoroughly enjoyed there on other occasions), and Adam his fish.  But anyway, while waiting for dinner, an extremely tall, distinguished Southern gentleman bartender made me a Sazerac---the drink identified with New Orleans, made from Sazerac rye whisky, bitters, simple syrup, the glass rinsed with Herbsaint liqueur or some other Pernod-like liqueur, or absinthe in the old days.  Truly tasty---no skimping on the high quality whisky.  I had two decent Sazeracs over the next few days---the better of the two at the Napoleon House bar, a more mediocre but still quite drinkable one at Pravda (standard bar for Bob Coecke and crew on their New Orleans visits, slightly odd Soviet/Goth decor, but quiet enough for conversation).   So, if you too end up seeking refuge in Mr. B's from the roiling masses queueing for oysters or for a seat at the Redfish Grill, just have a Sazerac and enjoy sitting or standing at the long wooden bar with brass rails---then try the barbecue shrimp, complete with bib, if you're staying to eat.  "Barbecue shrimp" isn't barbecued---it comes in a bowl full of butter, spicy sauce, and you eat it with your hands, soaking up the sauce with bread.  I don't think I've had it elsewhere for comparison, but Mr. B's was plenty tasty both times I had it there.

Pablo Arrighi: Unitarity plus Causality implies Locality

Pablo Arrighi of the University of Grenoble spoke on his result, with collaborators Vincent Nesme and Reinhard Werner (both now at the Leibniz University Hannover), that  Unitarity plus Causality implies Locality, at the PiQuDos seminar today at Perimeter.  I heard him speak on this result over a year ago at Foundational Structures for Quantum Information and Computation at Obergurgl, Austria;  I thought it was one of the standout talks of the workshop, and his talk today, which also covered more recent work along the same lines, reminded me how interesting I'd found his result when I first heard it.

Arrighi, Nesme, and Werner consider a quantum system associated with a graph having a countably infinite number of vertices, and an arbitrary edge structure.  At each vertex is a quantum system, finite or infinite dimensional, represented by a Hilbert space.  The edge structure is supposed to represent some notion of two systems being "nearby", so that it's physically reasonable for them to influence each other during one step of time evolution.  Roughly speaking, this is their notion of "causality" of a time evolution: that only such nearby systems have any influence on each other.  They define a Hilbert space associated with this infinite set of quantum systems.  It's not quite the tensor product of this infinite set of Hilbert spaces (which would not necessarily be a Hilbert space), but rather the span of all "finitely supported configurations", i.e. product states having a special state on all but a finite number of systems.  (You can do things -algebraically and do better, Pablo said, but this should be good enough.)  Their main result states, roughly speaking, that if a unitary evolution satisfies "causality", it can be represented as a circuit of quantum operators each acting on a neighborhood (a vertex and its neighbors) in the graph; the circuit has depth no greater than the square of the degree of the graph, plus 2.  (The degree of the graph is the largest number of edges emanating from a vertex.  For example, in lattices that repeat a hypercube of some dimension as their basic structure, the degree is twice the dimension).  In other words, there is a representation via "local"---although multi-way---interactions, happening in parallel on disjoint neighborhoods.  It may be necessary to take several successive rounds of interactions, happening on different sets of neigborhoods, but it's never necessary to take more than the degree squared plus two rounds.  So in a "spatial" hypercubic lattice in N dimensions, you never need more than 4N^2+2 rounds of interactions of interactions with neighbors.  (True, these are 2N+1-body interactions.)

I still haven't finished saying what the result is, because I didn't yet say (except roughly at the beginning) what the assumption of causality is.  It's that the state of the quantum system at a vertex after the overall unitary evolution U on the entire (infinite!) graph, depends only on the state of its neighbors before the evolution.  By state, he means reduced density matrix, after the other systems are traced out.  (Equivalently, in the Heisenberg picture we could say that an operator "supported only at site x", i.e. of the form "A at site x tensor the identity everywhere else", has, when evolved with , support only at the neigborhood of x, i.e., is of the form "Something on the tensor product of x's neighborhood, tensored with the identity everyplace else".)

Now, given that causality is defined by the influence of a state at a node in the graph propagating only to nearest neighbors (and the node itself) during the unitary evolution, it's perhaps not so surprising that it has a representation in terms of interactions among neighbors.  The important thing to remember, though, is that the causality condition concerns all the overlapping neighborhoods in the graph simultaneously, while the circuit-local representation involves only nonoverlapping neighborhoods, interacting in parallel, in each layer of the circuit, and bounds the number of layers as described above.

Actually, what I've described is a corollary to the main theorem, since this corollary has more immediate intuitive import.  I'll leave you to follow the link to the paper at the beginning of this post, if you want to see the details of the theorem as well.  Also, I've talked as if an edge between two nodes means that either node can influence the other during the evolution; actually, the authors allow for directed graphs, so that (x,y) maybe be an edge in the graph without (y,x) also being one;  the notions of causality and locality are then adjusted to refer to the graph and its transpose (i.e. the one specified by transposing its adjacency matrix) appropriately.  Here, a directed edge (x,y) in the graph means site x can influence site y in one step of unitary evolution;  (y,x) means y can influence x, and it's possible in their framework to allow influence in one direction but not the other, if desired.

One more thing, though: for those who think that this is too obvious, according to Pablo the analogous theorem probably doesn't hold if unitaries are replaced by completely positive maps.  He also thinks there is not a direct analogue even for classical stochastic evolution.  The development of an appealing strengthening of Causality that would allow a similar representation theorem for completely positive maps is something he's actively working on.

The talk also covered some related work that's more recent, such as cool results about the notion of "intriniscally universal" quantum cellular automata on certain kinds of graphs.  These things can simulate the action of any other cellular automaton by means of a short encoding, which takes the state of each cell in the simulated automaton to an encoded state on a block of adjacent cells in the graph of the universal automaton;  several steps---say, steps---of the universal automaton then simulate the action of the simulated automaton, on the encoded state.  After steps of the universal automaton, one can apply the inverse of the encoding map, to obtain the state that would have been obtained under steps of the simulated automaton.   A paper (with Jonathan Grattage)   is here.

The talk should soon be available at PIRSA.

QIP=PSPACE for the layperson I: Complexity Classes and Polynomial Time

Next time you're at a party and someone asks "hey, did you hear that Britney Spears was seen with the lead actor from Desperate Housewives at an L.A. disco last week?", try replying "No, but did you hear that Rahul Jain, Zhengfeng Ji, Sarvagya Uphadyay, and John Watrous showed that QIP=PSPACE in July?  This is likely to be a foolproof way of ensuring you don't get invited to any parties hosted by your interlocutor, which is likely to be a good thing.  If, however, your conversation partner is thinking fast enough to  reply, "No, so give me the skinny on it," you're going to want to be prepared.  Luckily it's not all that hard.  This is the first in a series of posts that will enable you to answer such a comeback in detail, captivating entire the party for at least a short while, and clearing your social schedule for months to come, as well as leaving you free in the moderately near-term to enjoy whatever remains of the Sutter Home Pink Zinfandel at the drinks table.  John Watrous gave an excellent colloquium at the IQC (Institute for Quantum Computing) yesterday, on the above-referenced work showing the the complexity classes QIP and PSPACE are identical. I originally imagined writing a fairly technical post aimed at colleagues; they will probably want to skip to number II or maybe even III; this post sets the stage for defining the complexity classes QIP and PSPACE, by reviewing the notion of complexity classes.

Complexity classes are, roughly speaking, sets (although I imagine the term "class" is used instead of "set" advisedly, for the set-theory-minded among you---perhaps I will come back to this) of computational problems.  Normally, they are taken to be classes of decision problems: problems of the form:  given an input from a set of possible inputs (the specification of this set is part of the specification of a particular computational problem), decide whether it has, or does not have, a certain property.  To say that a computer program solves such a problem is to say that it outputs "0" if the input doesn't have the property, and "1" if it does.  Normally, the set of possible inputs to a computational problem is taken to be countably infinite (like, for instance, the integers, or the set of finite-length strings of 0's or 1's ("binary strings"), or the set of ASCII text strings...).  So, an example of a problem would be "take a finite string of 0s and 1s; is the number of 1s odd?"  This problem is called PARITY, since evenness or oddness is a property known as the "parity" of a number.  Another example, often called OR, also involves binary strings as inputs; it asks, "is there a 1 in the string"?  Determining whether an integer is prime or not is another example; where the inputs are now integers instead of binary strings.  (But they can be coded, and often are coded, as binary strings---that is, they are written in their base-2 expansion.)  A problem that takes pairs of integers, instead of single integers, as inputs is to determine whether one integer divides another.  There are also more complicated problems, in which the output is not "0" or "1", but is drawn from a larger set of possibilities, but we won't discuss them much here.  An example would be: given an integer, tell us whether or not it is prime and if it isn't, exhibit a nontrivial factorization of it.

Not just any class of decision problems is a complexity class, although I haven't seen (nor do I expect to see) a formal definition of "complexity class", or even much in the way of necessary conditions for being a complexity class.  A complexity class is supposed to reflect something about how hard it is to solve a decision problem, and is often described as "the set of all problems that can be solved by computations of *this sort*", where "this sort" describes some model of how one might do computations.  The model is often quite zany compared to how we actually compute things, but it's rigorously specified.

Now, a computational decision problem, as we've defined it, in most cases clearly can't be "solved" once and for all by a computer.  It involves a countably infinite set of possible inputs, and so the "full solution" would involve listing, for each of these inputs, whether the answer is "0" or "1".  This answer would take an infinite amount of space (and presumably an infinite amount of time, given a lower bound on the amount of time it takes to write a character) just to write down.  So if we want to relate problems like this to reasonable notions of computation, we need to discuss programs that give the right answer for whatever input is presented.  To say things about how hard the problem is is not to say how hard it is to write down all the answers, but rather we need a notion of how hard it is to do the computation on an input.  What's often done is to study how the resources required---the number of computational steps, and the amount of computer memory needed---scale with the size of the input.  This means, of course, that we need not just a countable set of inputs, but one equipped with a notion of size.  In the case of binary strings, the length of the string is what's used.  This works for numbers, too---we just use the number of bits in the binary expansion.  (Up to a constant factor, this is the same as the number of digits in its decimal expansion.)  This is why you may need to choose things like "128-bit RSA key" versus "256-bit RSA key" when doing secure internet transactions, for example:  the security of these transactions is based on the idea that it's hard to factor integers, and what "hard" means here is roughly that the amount of computational resources needed to factor grows faster than any polynomial, with the number N of bits in the binary expansion of the number.  If I remember correctly, the worst-case resources for factoring an N-bit number using the best currently known algorithms scale as around , i.e. they are (up to a proportionality constant C) exponential in the cube root of the number of bits.  More needs to be said, of course---not every N-bit number will take this long to factor, but for large enough N, some numbers will take this long.  For cryptographic security, it's actually important to use a procedure for choosing key that is overwhelmingly likely to pick such hard instances---multiplying together large enough primes is, I guess, thought to work.  This is, of course, a side issue:  the main point is that the definitions of complexity classes often contain reference to how the resources used by a program that solves a decision in problem in the class, in a particular model of computation, scale with the size of the input.  The very important complexity class P, for polynomial time, is roughly the class of decision problems for which there's a polynomial Q (the polynomial may depend on the problem) that gives an upper bound to the time that it takes to solve the problem in a standard computational model closely related to actual computers, namely the Turing machine model (or any model polynomially equivalent to this, such as the -calculus introduced by Alonzo Church at around the same time Turing introduced the Turing machine).  That is, if is the length of input , the time it takes a Turing machine to solve the problem on input is no greater than .

The notion of polynomial time computation is important in the definition of many other complexity classes, and it's also the complexity class that's perhaps the most reasonable candidate for a class of "efficiently solvable" decision problems.  In actual practice, of course, we often solve smallish instances---or expend huge amounts of resources to solve moderate-sized instances---of problems from harder complexity classes;  and occasionally, we have polynomial algorithms for problems for which we'd like to solve large instances, but can't because the degree of the polynomial is too high.  If you hang out with cell-phone security folks, for instance, you'll find that encoding and decoding of messages that is linear in key length is considered a huge advantage compared to quadratic in the key length; forget about higher degree.  Here the small size of cell-phone processors is important.  But degree of a polynomial---and even, sometimes, the constant out front---can be important for big machines, too.  The ellipsoids methods for linear and semidefinite programming, although polynomial, has seen little practical use; interior-point methods, also polynomial, revolutionized the field as they perform much better in practice.  (I'm ashamed to say I don't know offhand if it's the constant or the degree that's mostly responsible for this.)  Actually, for LP the simplex method, which is worst-case exponential, is still in wide use because it performs just fine on most instances---the hard ones appear to be rare and bizarre.  But despite these caveats, P is an important complexity class, with a definite relevance to the line between what it's practical to compute and what it's not.

In the next instalment, I'll cover the classes IP, QIP, and PSPACE---classes that, it's pretty clear, go far beyond what it's practical to compute, but which are fun to think about nonetheless.  (I presume they have more scientific relevance than just being fun; perhaps we can be enlightened about that in the comments.)

Bring da Tuscan funk---aging Sangiovese-based wines from Tuscany

Over the past year or two I've had some mid-range Tuscan wines made from the Sangiovese grape that I've cellared for awhile, and it's mostly been an enjoyable experience to see how these wines have evolved.  They typically develop a very characteristic bouquet that I've seen described as "forest floor," reflecting scents that are a little bit mushroomy, a little leafy, a little earthy, but to some extent distinctive and found nowhere else.  I can imagine not everyone liking this bouquet, but I usually do.

A 2004 Fattoria di Lucignano Chianti from in the DOCG Colli Fiorentini tasted in Sept. 2006 was, according to my notes, excellent.  "Not very tannic but with some structure, but juicy, with a balance between flavors of red fruits and dark fruits, and minerally and leafy notes, a slight glyceriny smoothness and hints of caramel and chocolate cherries.   By April or May of 2009 it had a "nice bright crimson color, getting a brick-red edge," and was "Delicious, medium-bodied, perfumy, with a typical aged-Sangiovese "forest floor", "tuscan funk" aroma, "lifted" flavors of cherry, strawberry, and hints of leather.  Just what a Chianti that is evolving correctly ought to be. "

A 1999 Barco Reale di Carmignano was a bit more elegant wine, but evolved similarly.   Young, it was a little darker and more tannic, but still balanced and enjoyable;  tasted a few time during the last few years, it was gaining clarity, perfume, and a more balanced and integrated version of the funky aged-sangiovese bouquet.

Monte Antico, a Sangiovese-based Tuscan wine produced very near Montalcino (of Brunello fame), is a reasonably priced (now around $10) wine that often ages very well---one of the best deals in Tuscany in a good year.  Around Christmas a few years back, I had the 1985 and it was nicely aged, mellow and with some sweet, chestnutty aromas with only hints of leafiness and shroominess, and nice cherry fruit flavors---not a blockbuster but definitely showing some of the benefits of aging.  The 1998, unfortunately, was not such a good year--- in February 2009 it was "OK--sediment about to drop but still suspended---rather light-bodied and not complex--some typically Tuscan funky elements in the aroma".  In summer 2007, I wrote "aromas not so developed--red fruit flavors, fine tannins, not so concentrated but sappy and with some complexity.  Nona think it smells bad!" [that must've been the hint of aged-sangiovese funkiness] "Red cherry, black cherry, a bit of tea, a hint of licorice.  Tasty!! Evolving to smoky, slightly barnyardy aromas."  So maybe it was always slightly awkward and light, and is now going over the hill...or maybe it will open up again with more aging.  I have a few more bottles of various vintages back in the USA... and this is always one to pick up at the store and leave lying around in your basement to see what will happen.

I'll cover some Sangiovese-based wines tasted at a younger age in a future post.

Interview with a terroirist: Randall Grahm at 1winedude

Not to be missed, an interview with Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon, creator of Le Cigare Volant and one of the most entertaining winery newsletters ever (although it has been over a decade since I was on their mailing list).  I still remember the time I tasted wine there, sharing the tasting bar with a biker who lauded the fact that Bonny Doon's wines were the only ones that didn't give him a headache...

Keep on splittin'

OK, I just had to copycat this link.  Via the Quantum Pontiff, Universe Splitter, a supposed new app for the iphone that supposedly hooks up to a quantum randomness generator, allowing you to condition your decisions on quantum randomness and ensure---if you believe in the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics---that you can "have your cake and eat it too.  I hope this thing's for real, but unless it's just my lack of App savvy, Apple may not be buying the Everett interpretation.

Keep on Splittin

Keep on Splittin'

Gross, Mueller, Colbeck, and Dahlsten: "All reversible dynamics in maximally non-local theories are trivial"

David Gross, Markus Mueller, Roger Colbeck, and Oscar Dahlsten have considered the "maximal non-signaling tensor product" of "boxlets", and shown that the reversible dynamics of this state space consists just of permutations of the systems (the boxlets) followed by reversible local transformations (i.e., ones on the individual boxlets).

What the heck does that mean, you ask?  Well, "boxlets" were introduced in several contexts.  In the "operational quantum logic" literature they're sometimes called "semiclassical test spaces".  In quantum foundations and informations, they were introduced as a generalization of a notion of Popescu and Rohrlich, who introduced the two-measurement, two-outcome-per-measurement boxlet in order to describe correlations between measurement results on distinct systems that can be stronger than quantum correlations, but still don't allow someone ("Alice") in possession of one of the systems to signal to the other ("Bob") just by making measurements on her system.

A "boxlet" is a system on which there are M distinct alternative measurements one can make, each with K outcomes.  (More complex versions allow different measurements to have different numbers of outcomes.)  The allowable states of a boxlet are given by specifying M probability distributions, each one over K alternatives:  for each measurement, the probabilities of each of its K outcomes.  All possible lists of M such distributions are allowed; this is a convex, compact subset of an MK dimensional vector space (one dimension for each probability).  The M normalization constraints mean that this set lies in an MK-M (i.e., M(K-1)) dimensional affine subspace  (higher dimensional generalization of the line, plane, etc... of high-school geometry).  The possible states of a pair of such systems are given by the "maximal tensor product" of a pair of these compact convex state spaces.  The technical definition of maximal tensor product of state spaces can be found here.  Another way of defining this is that it's the state space of the  Foulis-Randall tensor product  of the "test spaces" (definitions reviewed in Sections II and IV of this paper) describing each of the boxlets.  A test space is just a collection of subsets of some set; the elements of the set interpreted as measurement outcomes, and the subsets, called "tests", as measurements.  The semiclassical test space of a boxlet like the ones I described above just consists of a set of MK elements, partitioned into M sets of K elements.  A state on a (finite, like the ones in question) test space is a function from the set to the real numbers between zero and 1, i.e. to probabilities, such that for each test, the probabilities of the elements of the test add up to one.  The Foulis-Randall tensor product of two test spaces just takes their Cartesian product, and allows any probability assignments such that the "marginal states" obtained by fixing a measurement on one side and marginalizing all the joint distributions of this fixed measurement with measurements on the other side, is independent of which measurement is marginalized over.  That is, Alice can't signal to Bob (by affecting the probabilities of the outcomes of one or more of his measurements) just by her choice of measurement.

Now, a transformation of the state space is an affine map from the state space to itself (i.e. one that preserves convex combination, which seems only reasonable), and a reversible one is one that has an inverse that is also an affine map of the state space.  So what GMCD are saying is that, if you combine boxlets this way, there are no very interesting reversible dynamics:  just combinations of local reversible dynamics on the individual boxlets, and permuting the boxes amongst themselves.

An interesting question is, can one extend this result to maximal tensor products of *arbitrary* systems with convex state space (locally equipped, let's say, with the maximal set of possible effects)?

See the comments on the Information Causality thread at Dave Bacon's blog for a bit more discussion (and related interesting matters).

James Westfall Trio, Snug Harbor, New Orleans, b/w general New Orleans music musings

After a late dinner at Stella! on Chartres (yeah, do it, Papa Scott!! Cook that funky tasting menu thang the way you do!), I headed for nearby Frenchmen Street to catch the James Westfall Trio which was playing for free at one of the better jazz venues in the Crescent City, Snug Harbor.  Free means playing for tips, of course, but you don't often find a combo of such quality playing for tips.  But at a place like Snug Harbor you do (or the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park, where they played the previous afternoon, presumably paid a decent sum by the NPS and relieved of the need for a tip kitty though you never know)---and they were excellent.  Westfall on vibraphone was fast, precise, creative---reminded me somehow of McCoy Tyner's piano playing.  He put a lot into his playing and he got excellent support on bass and drums---the bass player in particular played some excellent solos (and I'm no automatic fan of bass solos).  Afterward, I hit the Apple Barrel across the street for a small blues/country/rock/folk combo that was pretty darn good for another playing-the-late-show-for-tips band.  Even one of the two Dylan covers was good.  Then hit the Cafe Negril for a solid reggae band.  I guess I was making up for a week of evenings spent hanging out with quantum types in bars that didn't feature live music.  Actually, Friday night Jamie Vicary (postdoc at Oxford in Samson Abramsky and Bob Coecke's group), Johnny Feng  (postdoc at NRL in Keye Martin's group) and I finally left Keye and friends at the Napoleon bar in the quarter, and went on over to Frenchmens only to find it blacked out and everyone hanging out on the street waiting for the lights to get turned back on.  We waited too, for 45 minutes or so, listening to an excellent trombone/sousaphone/banjo trio sitting in the doorway of a closed cafe playing some pretty traditional-sounding New Orleans stuff quite well, and then left.  Bottom line: if you're in New Orleans, check out the music calendars at:

Livewire WWOZ music calendar,

but if you don't know what else to do head for Frenchmen and see what's going down at Snug Harbor.  Other places to check out include (for jazz) Sweet Lorraine's; and whoever's playing at the Maple Leaf is always worth checking out online to see if you want to go down and hear them.  On Saturday, I decided to eat at Stella rather than spend the evening at the Maple Leaf, but was strongly tempted to go for the blues band that was playing, Jason Ricci and New Blood.

Bastianich 2008 Sauvignon Blanc

Had a glass of "2008 Bastianich Sauvignon Blanc" at Bayona in New Orleans. I'm assuming it's the one listed on the net as from the  DOC "Colli Orientali del Friuli" (at Bayona they listed it as from "Venezia", but since the Colli Orientali del Friuli are in the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, that's probably the one).  Fantastic! Hints of grassiness (in a good way), minerality, raciness. Balanced, not high-alcohol, with a long finish. This wine is the essence of Sauvignon Blanc---no histrionics, no in-your-face flavors of gooseberry or whatever, just delicious, sappy, wine you want more of, with or without food. Hats off to everyone involved with this, from vineyard managers to winemakers to distributors and retailers: we need more wine like this!

Here's Bastianich's blog.

Herbsaint, New Orleans (Restaurant review)

Herbsaint is an excellent restaurant on St. Charles street in the central business district of New Orleans.  I have good memories of eating there a few years ago, and I had dinner there twice this week.  It has a bit more casual and hipper vibe than some of the top foodie meccas here, with white mosaic tile floor with black accents in the bar that looks like it might be original from the 20's, cracks and all, large storefront plate-glass windows, a thick semigloss paint job on the walls and woodwork, off-white with the faintest avocado tinge, some dropped down lighting boxes hung from the ceiling, white tablecloths and comfortable oak chairs with a 20's/30's feel as well.  The place was packed on a Monday night---good sign.  I went with three friends.  We ate in the back room, not quite as nice an atmosphere as the main room, but fine.  My duck gumbo was intensely flavorful and hearty.  Olive oil seared Louisiana shrimp with tomato confit and breaded fried eggplant were delectable.  These were the best shrimp I've had on this trip to New Orleans---flavorful, extremely fresh, touched but not overwhelmed with some spices reminiscent of the New Orleans "barbecue" shrimp (but basically a grilled or sauted preparation, not swimming in the mildly spicy "barbecue" sauce).  The tomato confit was too sharply vinegary for my taste; the eggplant was quite good, though.  We drank a bottle of wine from Chateau de la Liquiere, at Faugeres in the Languedoc, recommended by the waiter over my initial choice of the Chave "Mon Coeur" Cotes du Rhone.  It was a good solid wine, reasonably tannic but not overbearing or rough, and fairly smooth---well flavored, with some golden leafy notes (reminded me of a California oak forest for some reason), but not complex.  My dinner companions raved over it more than I did---perhaps a bit of a sniffle was preventing me from fully appreciating it, or it maybe it was the $55 price tag.  It complemented the food well.  For dessert, I took one of the waiter's top recomendations---the warm banana tart.  It was advice well taken---high-end and homey at the same time, with a delicious, well browned, thick crumbly tart crust, firmish, delicious filling somewhere between pecan pie filling and banana-flavored marzipan, and delectable seared glazed banana slices and mint leaves on top.  This and the shrimp were seriously delicious culinary achivements, the sort of stuff Michelin stars and such are made of.

Too tired to walk far from my hotel, the next night I went back thinking I'd have a small dinner.  I ended up getting the special Italian tasting menu (one each week, for the month of October), for $45.  This one started with a small antipasto of thinly sliced, excellent hard (but not tough!) salame, and some marinated diced eggplant (nice but not as good as the salame).  The Crab Gnudi were superb, gnocchi-like balls of crabmeat held together with ricotta and grilled or seared, served on swirls of delicious, intensely flavored olive oil (and some other delicious sauce that was a pale orange (something citrusy, perhaps?)).    The dish was less delicately flavored than I expected, but superb.  Herbsaint seems to have a style of "high-end heartiness"---perhaps it's a Cajun-food influence: they tend toward big flavors, smokiness, searing along with a little innovation and fusion.  The main course certainly followed that model: baked striped bass with tomatoes, fennel, and basil was served in the paella pan it was baked in, and featured a chunk of firm, flavorful, skin-on bass in a smoky, thick tomato sauce in which big slices of fennel had braised to tenderness.  It was a lot for one person to eat, and if it had a flaw it might have been a bit of excessive smokiness, but was an extremely tasty take on what might be a pan-Mediterranean tradition of cooking fish over wood fires at sea's edge---it called up stories of pine-smoke-scented bouillabaisses on the Riviera, and images of the Ligurian coast.  The server mentioned "a white cake" when I ordered the menu---the menu said Cassata Siciliana, usually a cake of ricotta and candied fruit flavored with liqueur---but it was indeed a square of white cake---high end Sara Lee, basically, with a bit of a caramel syrup and some tasty toasted hazelnuts on the cake.  The cake was velvety and fresh but not too special.  The chocolate salame, however, was excellent.

A Baumard "Cuvee Ancien" (a botrytized sweet wine, presumably a Chenin Blanc from the Loire, as Baumard also produce a Cote du Layon) was a good accompaniment to (and more interesting than) the cake, mellow and sweet but not cloying, and with nice flavor notes of dried orange peel, hints of brown sugar, and botrytis, though not a complex standout.  The main course went perfectly with a very good Commanderie de Peyrassol Rose 2007  from the mountains of Provence, though I suspect my other potential choice, a Barbera from an excellent producer, would also have gone well with it.  The Chateau d'Epire 2006 Savennieres, a firm, slightly steely and minerally Chenin Blanc based wine from the Loire, with a hint of honey and a balanced, smoothness, went perfectly with the crab (though it should have been served a touch colder).

For someone dining alone, the tables in the front window by the bar are a bonus---good seats from which to watch everyone having fun at the bar and in the restaurant, as well as a pleasant view of the outside seating and St. Charles street.

Overall, a very reliable, enjoyable place, well-appreciated by lots of locals, and with a very long and well chosen wine list, much more interesting wines by the glass than many places have, and a menu that is likely to deliver, if not guaranteed constant perfection, hearty, interesting, imaginative food and at least several dishes on each visit that will put you "in the zone."

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