About this blog

I’m a physicist/computer scientist/applied mathematician or something (my Ph.D. is in Physics); when I started this blog I was mostly working on the theory of quantum computation and quantum information processing at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  I then spent some time at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.  I am currently Riemann Senior Fellow at the Riemann Institute for Geometry and Physics in the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany), and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA).  I also have a strong interest in music.

To contact me by email about matters which are likely to be of interest or relevance to me, use this address:  my first initial, my last name, the usual symbol that appears in email addresses, unm [REPLACE THIS WITH A DOT] edu.

You can find some of my work here.

The title of this blog was chosen after I found that many other possibilities were either taken, or the most natural URL to associate with them was taken.  It’s not to be taken as an exhaustive description of the topics of a blog, but as a representative sample.  For example, I’ll probaby opine freely on economics, public policy, and the doings of the not-a-minute-too-soon-to-be-inaugurated Obama administration.  I own the copyright of all content I supply to the blog and the blog site, except for material that is public domain or under copyright by others and made fair use of here.  By commenting on this blog, users grant me the right (nonexclusive) to use (identifying the blog comment as source) the comment material, for example by keeping it available on this blog.  For now, I’ve enabled comments.

2 thoughts on “About this blog

  1. Hi
    I'm looking for the NBER Financials from 2010 that you mention in one of your blogs; it has been taken down from the NBER.org site.
    Richard Baldwin
    Director of CEPR
    Founder & Editor-in-Chief of VoxEU.org
    Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva

    • Thanks for asking, Richard. I don't have the 2010 info saved, but I have sent you an email with some other information from around that time. (If you don't receive the e-mail, let me know and I'll try again.)


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